Eth Domain Names

Empowering users on the Ethereum blockchain and beyond


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What is the .eth domain?

.eth domains are human-readable usernames provided by the Ethereum Name Service (ENS) that support a variety of characters, including emojis, Arabic characters, symbols, Latin characters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores. They can be used to launch decentralized websites on peer-to-peer storage networks like IPFS.

People often use it as a username on social media and to identify Ethereum users. Additionally, it can serve as login authentication for popular decentralized applications and be used to receive Ethereum coins or other ERC20 tokens.

Choose a .eth domain today

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See the future with us!

We will help you to become a pro in the world of Web3

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Unlimited subdomain

Expand your presence with unlimited free subdomains under your primary .eth domain.


Anonymous Transaction

Privately transact and receive funds using your .eth domain without exposing sensitive information.


Multi-blockchain support

Seamlessly link your .eth domain across multiple blockchains, enhancing its accessibility and versatility


Decentralized DNS resolution

Enjoy a secure .eth domain name resolved by a distributed network of servers. No need to panic over having it blocked

How to buy a .eth domain

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Install a crypto wallet
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Choose a web3 TLD
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Complete payment

Invest in .eth top-level domains

Build your portfolio with .eth web3 domains

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Domain Investing

Seize opportunities to maximize your returns and grow your portfolio in the ever-evolving domain market by participating in our bidding, auctions, and premium domain trading.

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Domain Parking

By making your domains accessible online, you not only increase your chances of selling faster but also capitalize on ad-generated revenue, enhancing your domain's overall value.

Customer Experiences

Frequently asked questions

How do I buy .eth domains?

Buying .eth domains is straightforward. Search for your desired name or visit our marketplace that offers premium .eth domains, and complete the purchase with supported payment methods. Once purchased, the domain is yours. This process allows for an easy way to buy .eth domain, catering to those interested in establishing a presence in the Ethereum network. Our marketplace provides a diverse selection of .eth domain names, ensuring that you can find a domain that suits your personal or business identity. The procedure is designed to be user-friendly and secure, providing peace of mind that your .eth domain name is a valuable addition to your digital assets.

How do I receive payments with a .eth domain?

To receive payments, simply share your .eth domain as your wallet address. When someone sends cryptocurrency to your domain, it reaches your wallet. This makes .eth domains an efficient tool for transactions in the digital currency space. By using this domain as a wallet address, you offer a simple and memorable way for others to send you payments, bypassing the complexity of traditional cryptocurrency addresses. It enhances the usability of .eth domains, turning them into a practical and user-friendly solution for managing and receiving digital currency payments.

How do I host a website with a .eth domain?

To host a website with a .eth domain, you need to store your website's content on a decentralized storage provider such as IPFS or Fleek, and then link the hash of the uploaded files to your domain name. This approach utilizes the strengths of decentralized web hosting, enhancing the security and reliability of your website. By choosing IPFS or Fleek for storage, your site gains the advantage of distributed hosting, improving uptime and accessibility. Linking your content to your .eth domain integrates your site seamlessly with the decentralized web. It makes the most of blockchain technology to provide a secure, efficient online presence.

How do I sell my .eth top-level domains?

Selling .eth domains involves listing them on our marketplace or parking your domain name, where interested buyers can find and purchase them. Once the transfer process is complete, ownership of the domain is transferred to the buyer. To effectively sell your .eth domain, it is important to showcase its value and potential applications, attracting the right buyers. Our marketplace is tailored for users looking to register .eth domains, providing a dedicated space for transactions in this niche. By parking your domain, you indicate its availability, potentially speeding up the sale. We ensure that the transfer process is smooth and secure, maintaining the integrity of your domain transaction and ensuring a seamless change of ownership for both the seller and buyer.

What happens if I fail to renew my .eth domains?

If you fail to renew your .eth domains, they will expire and be available for purchase by other users. You will need to renew your domains within 3 months (90 days) of the grace period. You won't be able to regain control of your domains after they expire. This emphasizes the importance of timely renewals in maintaining ownership of your domain. Allowing a .eth domain name to expire and become available to others can result in losing a valuable online identity or asset. Therefore, it is essential for those who register .eth domains to keep track of their deadlines and ensure they renew within the specified grace period to avoid losing their digital property.

Begin your .eth domain search here

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